Now would be a great time to get some modest swimwear! I know it's January, but hear me out. We all know it's hard to find modest swimwear in the stores, and that means that unless teenagers want the same swim suits their grandmas wear, they will be looking for more stylish ones. There's a great sale going on for the next two days at Lime Ricki. This cute suit is normally $60.00 and is now just $25.00.
When I was a little girl I was uncomfortable with the word “woman.” I didn’t want to say it. I would substitute, “lady” or “girl” whenever I could. I felt the same way about the word “purse,” and tried to avoid that word as well. Maybe it was because I didn’t want to grow up. Maybe I wanted to be little and without the responsibilities that all women with purses have. I didn’t have an explanation. I just did not want to be called a woman or carry a purse. I am over that feeling now. I am in the final year of my thirties and have a son that will be an adult in less than two years, so it’s time. However, when several months ago I started to feel a strong pull toward writing about womanhood, I felt an opposing pull telling me not to. Being the mother of a teenage girl and boy I find myself constantly running into issues related to this topic of womanhood. There has been a lot of discussion about modesty, controlling thoughts, body image, and feminism amo...
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