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International Women's Day

Today is the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. I haven't heard much about it before today, but it is a celebrated holiday around the world. "The tradition sees men honouring their mothers, wives, girlfriends, colleagues, etc with flowers and small gifts. In some countries IWD has the equivalent status of Mother's Day where children give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers. ("

I'm mentioning it because it seems relevant after reading an article my cousin sent to me from This article addresses the importance of modesty for women. It quotes another article by Viviana Garcia that was quite compelling. Ms. Garcia writes of a lecture she attended by Dr. Pia de Solenni whose topic was The Quest for Identity Through Beauty. The following quote states so well what I have long believed:
It is... of supreme necessity, especially in the world in which we reside, that a woman do everything within her power to reflect her dignity and that men view her as something other than a mere object of desire and entertainment. It is assumed that dressing modestly is something of the past that should be replaced with a more modern take on women’s dress. The past, however, often holds golden truths that should be considered before tossing away a tradition of modesty. If women portrayed themselves for so long in this way in society, what was the reason? Despite what some may say, women of previous centuries were incredibly intelligent and were keenly aware that men were particularly in tune with what Aristotle termed the “lower desires.” Women knew better than to play into these thoughts and fantasies.

Dr. de Solenni eloquently stated that those women were being authentic leaders, by setting a standard for which others may strive. In contrast, today many women have capitulated and cooperate with misguided and unhealthy standards. They have become followers. Women have trained themselves to think that men have certain expectations which women must meet; in fact, it should be the other way around.
I hope the mention of "lower desires" doesn't come across as a criticism of men. I think men are wonderful, (especially my husband!). What I hope to convey is that women ought to portray the respect they deserve in the way they carry themselves and by what they wear. It has always seemed a strange irony to me that women defend their immodesty by saying things like, "I'm comfortable with my body" or that it's a matter of "self-expression." To me the women that are the most comfortable with "who they are" are those who don't want to flaunt themselves or draw a spotlight.

PS. Check the Modest Fashion page for some clothing suggestions.


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