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There's A Hero In You

What is a Hero?
  • A hero is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.
  • A hero is a person who is regarded as a model or ideal.
  • A hero is someone who helps other people, or helps to make other people's lives better.  
  • A hero is a person who tries to make the world a better place.  
  • A hero is a person who does something that is more than what is expected.
  • A hero is someone that doesn't do something for his or her own problems but for the benefit of others.
  • A hero is a person that doesn't want to be a hero just to be famous. 

"Hero In You" by KSM
Here is a fun song to keep you heroes going:

KSM - Hero In You
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Kids Are Heroes

Kids are Heroes is an inspirational website that shows ways children are being heroes right now, and ways you can get involved in being a hero too!

A Scholarship For A Hero
Build-A-Bear is now accepting nominations for a program that recognizes and rewards young leaders ages 8-18.
The deadline to submit applications for the ninth annual Build-A-Bear Workshop Huggable Heroes program is Feb. 27.
Ten Huggable Heroes will each receive $10,000 -- a $7,500 educational scholarship and a $2,500 donation for the charity of his or her choice.
Go to to nominate a candidate, or pick up an entry form at participating Build-A-Bear Workshop stores.
Past Huggable Heroes have been honored for starting literacy programs, organizing toy drives for children in need, collecting donations to feed homeless animals and gathering items to send to soldiers.


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