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from yourldsblog.com |

intentional about your roles and responsibilities in the family. Think in terms of
precision not perfection. If you have your goals and you are precise in how you go
about them in your homes, youth will learn from you. They will learn that you pray,
study the scriptures together, have family home evening, make a priority of
mealtimes, and speak respectfully of your marriage partner. Then from your example
the rising generation will gain great hope."
-Julie Beck
"...So we must learn how to form judgements of our own about the value of ideas, opportunities, or people who may come into our lives. We can't depend on somebody else's light to tell us whether a certain idea is "Church approved," because new ideas don't always come along with little tags attached saying whether they have been reviewed at Church headquarters. Whether in the form of music, books, friends, or opportunities to serve, there is much that is lovely or of good report or praiseworthy that is not the subject of detailed discussion in Church manuals, conference talks, or course instruction. Those who aren't open to people or experiences that are not obviously related to some Church word or program may well live less abundant lives - and make fewer contributions - than the Lord intends..."
"Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results."
-David A. Bednar
"Teach above all things to be good: because without that we can be neither valued by others or ourselves."
-Thomas Jefferson
"Take care of your little ones, welcome them into your homes, and love them with all of your hearts. They may do, in the years that come, some things you would not want them to do, but be patient, be patient. You have not failed as long as you have tried. Never forget that."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

-Gordon B. Hinckley